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Neuroscientists have made great strides in understanding the brain, revealing insights into the biology behind many everyday human experiences. In this webinar, experts will discuss what happens in the brain during mental health distress, such as anxiety or depression, and how scientists can target future treatments towards these underlying neural mechanisms.

Topics to be covered

  • Blood-brain barrier changes and vascular biomarkers underlying stress response and depression
  • The neural circuitry of adaptive and pathological anxiety

Speaker Information:

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Caroline Ménard, PhD
Assistant Professor
Sentinel North Research Chair, Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience
Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine
Université Laval and CERVO Brain Research Center

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Oliver Robinson, PhD
Professor and Co-group leader
Neuroscience and Mental Health Group
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London

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